The eighth edition
The eighth edition of the STEAMConf Barcelona learning conference marks a turning point in its trajectory with an agreement between the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), and STEAM- SokoTech for Fundació Ciència en Societat.
Local peers
Local Experts

In collaboration with

In cooperation with

Understanding is learning that goes far beyond “knowing” occurs in the context of real research through inquiry, testing, reasoning and cooperation.
This shared purpose stems from the desire to boost this initiative in a cross-pollination framework; to deepen local and international relationships between advanced STEAM/PBL learning research; to promote/scale local and international experimentation of new learning models, in collusion between the research of the BIST Centers and the experience of a network of educational centers committed to learning transformation, aiming for the advancement of scientific-technological culture in society as a whole.
The initiative will have as its backbone the platform and the local and international community of the STEAMConf Barcelona leaning conference.
STEAMConf Barcelona 2022, in its 8th edition, insists on project-based learning at the boundary of Hands, Mind and Passion where understanding is learning that goes far beyond “knowing”, occurs in the context of real research through inquiry, testing and reasoning, making learning creative, meaningful and inspiring, powered by the ability to transfer and apply it to new and complex situations in a constantly changing environment, to asking and act responsibly bringing out the desire to long life learning.
Steering Committee
Advisory Committee
Josefina Antonijuan, vice-rector of Social Responsibility and Equality. Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona-Tech
Gabby Silberman, general director of the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST).
Júlia Miralles de Imperial, delegate of Science and Universities of Barcelona City Council,
Joan Cuevas general director of Innovation, Digitization, Curriculum and Languages, Department of Education, Generalitat de Catalunya.
Gala Duran. Freelance designer and teacher at the Industrial Art School and ESDi, Barcelona.
STEAM AS THE BACKGROUND AXIS OF A CENTER OF MAXIMUM COMPLEXITY Angela García LLadó, Eduxarxa by the Escola Rec Comtal Barcelona.
Rosó Buzzi. Second cycle primary school teacher, l’Arenal de Llevant school, Barcelona. Sara Chao Rodríguez. Second cycle primary school teacher, l’Arenal de Llevant school, Barcelona.
Moderators: Susana Navarro. Responsible for STEAM programs of the Barcelona Education Consortium. Martí Burriel. Responsible for the digital fabrication programs at the Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona, and coordinator of the educational services of the Xarxa d’Ateneus de Fabricació Digital of the Barcelona City Council.
Complete program here
Sergi Moncusi Farre, director of CEIP Saavedra, Tarragona
Moderator: Ester Forné, art reference at CESIRE Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia, Barcelona
STEAM PROJECTS WITH MAKER METHODOLOGY AT SINS CARDENER David Atzet, director, Sergi Horrillo, professor of tecnology, SINS Cardener de Vilatorrada, (Barcelona)
Beatriz Vega Sabaté, middle school coordinator teacher, member of the Erasmus and STEAMcat driving group. Montserrat Rosal Barriopedro, Head of Studies, Sant Bernat Calvó School in Vila-seca, (Tarragona)
Moderator: Silvia Zurita, teaching technician in the technological field of CESIRE, Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.Barcelona
Complete program here

Speakers 2022
Local Peers
Local Experts
Registration for the Conference
The Conference includes Local Experiences.
Registration for the Workshops
As they are parallel workshops, you can choose one in each of the sessions on Thursday afternoon. Do it soon! Places are limited!
Sign up Registration for the Conference and Workshops does not include the Certification. If it is of your interest, request it in the “Registration for Certifications”.
Registration for Certifications
This activity is recognized by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya as permanent teacher training. The Department of Education will issue the certificate of attendance to active teachers. To obtain the certificate you must attend a minimum of 80% of the duration of the activity and carry out a small task of verification of use at the Conference end, which will be sent to you by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
How to arrive

Bus lines:
H4 – Zona Universitària / Bon Pastor
JM Barcelona (Zona Universitària) – Sant Just Desvern


Tranvia Palau Reial a 10 minuts caminant

Car Parkings:
- UPC Campus Nord (Barcelona) 7 minuts caminant.
Direcció de l’entrada principal: c/ Jordi Girona 29, 08034 Barcelona.