About STEAMConf 2022

Understanding is learning that goes far beyond “knowing” occurs in the context of real research through inquiry, testing, reasoning and cooperation.

This shared purpose stems from the desire to boost this initiative in a cross-pollination framework; to deepen local and international relationships between advanced STEAM/PBL learning research;  to promote/scale local and international experimentation of new learning models, in collusion between the research of the BIST Centers and the experience of a network of educational centers committed to learning transformation, aiming for the advancement of scientific-technological culture in society as a whole. 

The initiative will have as its backbone the platform and the local and international community of the STEAMConf Barcelona leaning conference.

STEAMConf Barcelona 2022, in its 8th edition, insists on project-based learning at the boundary of Hands, Mind and Passion where understanding is learning that goes far beyond “knowing”,  occurs in the context of real research through inquiry, testing  and reasoning, making learning creative, meaningful and inspiring, powered by  the ability to transfer and apply it to new and complex situations in a constantly changing environment, to asking and act responsibly bringing out the desire to long life learning.

Steering Committee

Advisory Committee