
Maker Faire Barcelona 2022


The Maker Faire Barcelona, the fair dedicated to professionals and amateurs of digital manufacturing, has shown the possibilities of this discipline at the Campus Poblenou of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).

The manufacturer Faire Barcelona 2022 stresses the need to reconsider and activate a more local and diversified economic model, based on knowledge and in accordance with the objectives of the Barcelona Green Process, and Agenda 2030. The sixth edition of Maker Faire Barcelona is made in a distributed manner, the main centre being Campus Poble Nou of the Pompeu Fabra University and the satellite programs taking place in the TMDC and Fab Lab Barcelona!

The programme contains initiatives including manufacturer booths, demonstrations, workshops, presentations, conversations and, for the first time, a decentralized double programme at FabLab Barcelona and TDMC Coop.

Proposals around sustainable sports automotive, circular gastronomy, zero residues, manufacturing activities, a digital library for furniture manufacturing, robots, rockets, drones, probes, rovers, augmented/virtual reality, energy 2032, city renaturalization, alternative proteins, electronic musical instruments, innovation in biomaterial technologies, digital manufacture, sustainable and futuristic techniques in fashion production, self-sufficient and sustainable establishments in other worlds or innovative approaches to eliminating and transforming the waste accumulated in our seas.

FabLab BCN also celebrated its first 15 years of existence on a satellite program.Tallers and visits to TMDC, a space industry equipped with shared advanced digital machinery, which also hosts its technology-based industrial boot accelerator.
Maker Faire Barcelona 2022
The Maker Faire Barcelona, the fair dedicated to professionals and amateurs of digital manufacturing, has shown the possibilities of this discipline at the Campus Poblenou of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).