
Steve Elizondo

Superintendent, San Diego Unified School District, former director of High Tech Middle Media Arts (High Tech High), CA (USA).

After graduating from The University California San Diego, Steve has worked with students for over 25 years, 8 of them at Chollas Elementary School, before moving on to High Tech Middle Media Arts, first as a Humanities teacher, which he combined with his graduation in Education, to then assume the direction of the school for 5 years.
Throughout this period, he introduced Project Based Learning (PBL) at conferences across the country, as well as at the STEAM Conference in Barcelona where he presented the High Tech High project with the supporting Documentary “Most Likely to succeed” viewed later throughout Catalonia over the next two years at the hands of Escola Nova21.

In 2016, Steve joins the San Diego Unified School District in Golden Hill K-8 as Principal, until June 2021, to serve as Area 2 Superintendent.
Steve is passionate about education and the positive development of ALL students. Its CORE values ​​include educating the whole child (social/emotional, physical, and academic), collaboration, and giving students a voice and choice in their education to ensure positive and equitable outcomes for all. A positive culture is the foundation of all successful schools, and Steve believes this can be achieved by getting to know students, staff, and families, developing a strong social/emotional learning program, and treating everyone with kindness, love, and care. and the respect we all deserve.