Elisabet Aznar Vacas

Director of the Center for Specific Resources to Support Innovation and Educational Research (CESIRE), Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Teacher of Early Childhood and Primary Education, her training and professional career revolves around educational transformation, with the desire to make schools better places to learn and live. Graduate in psychopedagogy from Ramon Llull University, she began her specialization in pedagogical innovation, collaborating with different working groups of the FPCEE Blanquerna and with the research project: “The social meaning of the school institution – Bases for redefining the school in the 21st century” With the aim of deepening the relationship between education and equal opportunities, she carried out an interuniversity stay at the Faculty of Education of the University of Antioquia (Medellín-Colombia). She obtained the Diploma in Advanced Studies from the Doctoral Program: Diversity and change in education, policies and practices (University of Barcelona), with the research project: “Reinventing a public school in a new community space”. As a teacher and director of the Baró de Viver School in Barcelona co- promoted its process of educational transformation. Member of the ICE Working Group of the UB ‘Educational Perspective of Work Projects’ with experience as an advisor to schools in the process of change. In the last five years, she has accompanied processes of pedagogical innovation as an education inspector in the Garraf area and has boosted the Garraf Network of Restless Public Schools for training and support for educational transformation.